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welcome to my space =)
i'm your soul.

I'm a girl who having sixteen but not yet sixteen
I'm a damn late capricorn girl, 1229
Do not forget, my friend
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hearts talking.

strike out.

I want happiness
and i think im happy now

alternative exits.

my history



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Sunday, July 5, 2009


MY NEW BLOG : http://brendalovesu.blogspot.com

this blog wont be using ANYMORE!

at 12:06 AM

Saturday, July 4, 2009

hey, it's me again

im so going to change my blog, cant wait! *giggle*

today was so fun, all was about my bebe
at noon, i brought bebe to my piano teacher's house there
he was actually waiting me to finish my piano lesson, how cute!
my friends just kept saying how adorable was my doggie, (sorry if you dont think so)
i was so happy, oh, forgot to say, my teacher has a dog too, but he was a coward, (shit shit! i forgot his name!!)
he dint dare to play with my bee, and my bee arh, very naughty wan, kept chasing him, and the dog kept running away, so funny!
as you can see in the picture 1, the dog was so scared of my bebe, though he was so bigger than my bebe
after my piano class, we went to our new house, we just got the key from the previous owner, but we still need few months to make it renovated
it was huge (for me larh) and the happiest 'creature' to enter the house was bebe, he was really happy man, hahah, you should see his face when he was exploring the house, damn excited

there was a rambutan tree in the garden, we are going to pluck all rambutans tomorrow morning and perhaps cut off the tree after plucking, how cruel (i know)
while eating rambutan, i heard ' meoow' sound, guess what?
it was a kitten in our garden, it lives inside the pipe, so pity
we dont know what should we do to it, should we keep it as a new pet? or? SPCA perhaps?
i actually showed the kitten to bebe, but he was like a blind, couldnt notice the kitten no matter how hard i had been trying, so i gave up, haha
will bebe bite it or bully it when we keep it? i dont know man =/
but definitely he wont eat it, yeewww!

here, my new room, hahaha, yeah, i know it is hard to see the room through this pic

katy perry! i love her! i want the shirt ! how cute!!
but a lot ppl compare her to lily allen, SO WHAT? (not pink =P)
lily allen also not bad, why compare? they are different, rightt?
i love ppl who dont care anything but insist on something they like, like them, and one another example!
the new pop icon,


cool onot? =D

last but not the least!
the icon of .................. *shaking my head*

am i rude? no no no, i do no harm, i just point at myself, haahahaha

at 9:07 PM

Friday, July 3, 2009

i have created a new blog, but everything havent settled down yet
so i wont be using this blog anymore after it has done, cause im fed up of this blog's template, grrr

stay tuned! =)

at 10:15 PM

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

the first day of july, and i was being emo for almost a whole day im sorry, my friends, for making you guys down too
honestly, it was you all to get me started this thing, im not blaming of course
you guys had no wrong, it was me
it was me to think all those negative thing
i have to confess that im actually negative minded, really.
im scared of being alone, i hate silence, it really scares me a lot when it happens
i knew it was my problem!
so i just kept blaming myself, and i cried, today, but dont worry, im okay, just a few drop of tears
the good side of me, i recovered it fast
just a couple of hours, i dint feel like talking, just holding my pencil and scrawl my book
wanted to talk with somone, just couldnt find whoever someone, was feeling lost and sad

*Have you ever been so lost.
Known the way and still so lost ...*
it is katy perry's song, 'lost', nice song

and, jay swan, it was not you, but you did make me feel something, nah, just my feeling, dont have to bother it
but guys!
im feeling goooooddd now =)
brenda is back, she was back during chemistry lesson
and before the end, she would like to share a very nice blog and a pic of her : do enjoy

Beverly's Secret
a MUST to visit this blog, she is a great blogger, she makes you feel you are like a part of her wonderful life, and her dog is very loveable, called Miyaki
you know what? she actually takes down all the notes for blogging, like the prices of the food she takes for dinner, breakfast or lunch
such a hardworking blogger, i just love her blog so much!
so what're you waiting for? click it and Beverly will takes you to explore her life =)

NOW back to the reality, you're exploring brenda's blog!
lastly, photo, no S =)
good night, people

at 10:35 PM

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

theme of today : KISS!

today i was a little bad luck, guess it is because of i've given my good luck to jlan
i have duty on every tuesday, today, i went late, and they dint let me to take attendance for that
arghh, it was not only me, well, im the only one form4 and other 4ppl is my juniors, =P, i know im not a good senior which i supposed have to show them a good example
whatever, i dont care of those things, haizz, it is my personality, i hate that actually, but well, i just cant change, sooo, maybe this is the reason why some ppl hates me?? =/
now, i know i have to face the reality, dot
i really do not know what is happening okay?
and i think it makes me and one friend less closer, i dont know if it is just my imagination or what, i just guess it must be linked with 'it'
i....am speechless for that

brendaa, you've just gone too far, back to normal!!
okay, im back (it's so fast =P)
continue, so, i had nothing to do after leaving library, it was so pity man, and it really wasted my time and my energy for waking up so early in the morning. *yawn*
then i 'followed' my juniors and spent 2hours successfully, i spent another 30minutes with jlan
initially, i had succeed =)
but ended up, i had totally no energy for the entire periods in class, so i took a nap during math lesson, bleh
honestly, i feel sorry for that, i must have hurt her, but, i really have no idea what she is teaching, the more i listen to, the more confusing it is
so? yeah, i have no choice, TAKE A NAP LAH, BRENDA =)

i had gained lot of energy after recess, we crapped, we laughed, we made noises, hope that i wont cause any noise pollution, heh
did you notice what i wrote on the top of this post?
no? =(, fine
yes? =), thanks! I LOVE YOU BABE
the theme of today is kiss! XD
i actually got this inspiration from my classmates, shall i mention them? yesss i would like to
they were : (i) Shirley
(ii) Xue Ni
(iii) Hooi Peng
(iv) Huei Lan
(v) BRENDA, the blogger
it happened when i wrote this card *point below*
they saw it, and asked me 'brenda, is your first kiss still there?'
i just couldnt stop laughing, though i dint know what i was laughing for!
readers, you guess?
nehhh, im such a lousy beauty ordinary person, but but
but still, *finding excuses, but failed*, :DDDD

SO, *point below again*
my kiss and bebe's kiss

ignore the acne and my super lousy face and lame expression, guess i just too excited to have a kiss! hahaha
just look at my sexy soft pink lips =P

okay, enough? then scroll down a little more

bebe is enough mature for a kiss!
look at his super dark black lips!
okay, let's have a poll, which one you prefer? black or pink?
you cant have both kay, i will jealous =P

p/s : today i just have a lot of things to crap about, and so in a blogging mood, i just want to blog about my life, so, do support me, thanks =)

at 9:35 PM

Sunday, June 28, 2009

p h o n e
p h o n e
p h o n e

arghhhh, when only will you buy for me? =(
i've been waiting for so long,
when i look at my current phone,
i feel sad and feel like want to throw it away, hahaha

at 3:34 PM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

and today, i nearly failed my sejarah, =P
always so lucky hurh?
51, taadaa!
hee, expected, so im not sad for that
today was fun, heh
i let little jay jay got a shower today in school, hahaha
i guess a lot of ppl hate us, cause we always make noise =/

at 10:51 PM