today went to queensbay with kai hui, huei yi, fennie and xue ni
thanks to kai hui, if she didnt call me, i think i will continue sleep until 1pm,i think i was too tired
mum went to PISA for her fair, so no one can fetch me, finally found my grandpa to fetch me there, haha
so i reached there at 1.30pm, walked with kai hui, later huei yi and fennie joined us
went to fish market, goshh, we ordered 3 same meals, we are so suffering to finish ours own one, fine, i dint too, i knew im wasting the food but i reallly cant what, finally, huei yi finished hers, kai hui dint, of course
during our meal, we talked a lot of cold jokes, huei yi said they can help us to eat more, i dont think so

huei yi
kai hui
xue ni joined us then we went to watch a movie, the confession of a shopaholic! i love becky, and i love the green skarf too, haha
and i love luke, so wonderful
after movie, just simply walked, i bought a thing for my husband! =D, but now not yet give her,maybe later go to her class and slip into her bag? er, thinking
and i saw someone too, dint see him for a year, seriously, kinda miss him, we bumped, but wtf, i 'eh?' then he was just like act cool, looked at me then walked away, nvm, im kind,haha
went back at 8pm, my mum's boss, fetched huei yi and i home, so paiseh,i got a feeling that he was like our driver, cause black window, nice car, no talking, just huei yi and i talked,haha, but he is rich, all branded one kayy