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i'm your soul.

I'm a girl who having sixteen but not yet sixteen
I'm a damn late capricorn girl, 1229
Do not forget, my friend
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hearts talking.

strike out.

I want happiness
and i think im happy now

alternative exits.

my history



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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

long time dint update already
cause of some problems and tons of homework, currently lazy to online
nvm, i will try to do what i want to
and i will forget the things , i'll try to

at 10:51 PM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

today we went to PISA for fencing competition, we dint play, just watch, eat and play around
1.05pm got into the bus, and here we go!
when we first got into the bus, taadaa, all the ppl took out their phone, mp3, camera and anything, and we started to eat snack we brought
we really bought a lot, but we ate all before went back to school
reached there
argh, im lazy to talk, so i just talked the important one
fencing was just so that, i dont like it and dont hate it neither
but huei lan and renee seemed so interested on it
we watched with snacks for a while, i spotted a handsome guy, woooots, really nice looking, ah mo what, of course larh
he is from england one i think, so i support england's team! =D
then we felt boring d, so went outside the hall and walked around PISA
xue ni and huei lan
xue ni and i muakz muakz.. you know i love you..XDXDXDXD
and we found a 'mayat' there, well, maybe just a person lied on the floor there, it really scared me lot
someone really has made me so geram and moodless, i dont know what i did wrong or i know only little, so im saying sorry now and i did to you already, so why you still so speechless to me and like dint want to talk to me? i just dont want to lose a friend, i have already lose a lot
so after that, i was moodless, but thanks to them, i have became happier
hui ping suggested us to take photos of doing work for our moral project
cool, we went to toilet to do this, for sure, we dint really do the work, just act, you know? we act
p/s : most photos are with hui ping, so i dont have them now, i have few only
looks like they really doing right? heh
what are you doing, jay swan hmmm?
we laughed like hell inside there, cause a lot of funny things happened
but huei lan dint join us, she and renee stayed there to watch the competition, as i said, they were interested
after taking photos, we went back to find them, and ate snack again bla bla bla,
before went back, we went to a kopitiam that opposite PISA to eat,huei lan and renee dint go again, my friends they dint ordered food, just ice kacang, but me ordered a mee, im gaining weight!
happy time always flies faster, so we went back at 4.30pm
everybody seemed so tired, included me
took a few pic then rest a while
brenda and jay swan

after school :

wen chien

and i was way thinking too much for ppl just wanted to borrow my phone, too much, XDXD, stop day dreaming ,me

at 9:11 PM

Sunday, February 15, 2009

i've changed my blog's layout
better larh i think
at least not so complicated compared to last one
that one arh, adui!

at 11:03 PM

每月14日都是情人, 你知道吗?
情人节是哪一天?如果你只知道西历2月14日的西洋情人节,以及农历7月7日的七夕中国情人节,那你可就大大落伍了;“不就是3月14日还有个‘白色情人节’吗?”,如果你这么想,依然过于低估世间男女歌咏赞颂爱情的天赋异秉。事实上,除了中国七夕以外,一年 12个月每月14号都是“情人节”,而且每个情人节各有特殊的名称与涵义。

◎日记情人节(Diary Day):1月14日在这一天,情侣们会互赠足够纪录一整年恋爱情事的日记本,以此象征两人将携手走过未来一年,并留下更多美好回忆。

◎华仑亭情人节(Valentine's Day):2月14日西元3世纪时,罗马皇帝为避免已婚男子不愿离家当兵,发布了一道禁止结婚的法令,但华仑亭主教依旧违背皇帝旨意,秘密为青年人举行婚礼。他因此遭到监禁,并于西元273年2月14日死在狱中。后人为了纪念他,将他殉难这天订为“华仑亭日”,后来便成为世人耳熟能详的情人节。在西洋传统里年轻人是华仑亭日的主角,他们在这个节日里郑重其事地为恋人选择礼物、鲜花,以表达自己的爱慕之情。痴情的少女则会按古老传说,在华仑亭日前一晚把月桂树叶放在枕头上,盼望自己在梦中同自己的心上人相会。在美国,华仑亭日不仅是年轻人的节日,亲人朋友间也可以互送小礼物,以表达感情、增进友谊。许多商家都特别出售装饰成心形的巧克力糖、系着缎带的红玫瑰,以及郁金香花束等礼品,而各式各样的情人卡片更令人眼花撩乱。对许多亚洲女子而言这一天显得格外重要,因为尽管文化上较为传统保守,社会价值观一般已普遍接受女孩子在这天主动向心仪的对象示好。

◎白色情人节(White Day):3月14日西方并没有所谓“白色情人节”的传统,在东方,2月14日女孩送男孩礼物表达情意之后,如果对方也有同样的好感或情意,就会在3月14日回送女孩一份情人礼物,表示彼此心心相印;如果男孩对女孩没感觉,只要刻意忽略这个日子,便算是委婉的拒绝。现在情人节由谁主动送礼已经不重要了,只要有一方在2月14日收到异性送的礼物表达爱意,他或她在3月14日“白色情人节”这一天就会选择是否有所回应;而对已经在一起的爱侣来说,这一天则是回赠对方情人节礼物的日子。

◎黑色情人节(Black Day):4月14日虽然并非天下有情人都能天长地久、甚至曾经拥有,但谁说孤家寡人或旷男怨女就不能过情人节?“黑色情人节”就是属于单身贵族们的情人日。在前两个月他们或许既没收到甜蜜小礼物,也没人可以送巧克力,但4月14日这天,大家共聚一堂,彼此鼓励、加油打气,化悲愤为力量,倒也热热闹闹十分开怀,藉此消除形单影只的落寞感。名为黑色情人节,在这一天,打算过节的人会让自己生活在百分百的黑色世界里,穿黑色套装、黑帽子、黑皮鞋,吃黑豆制成的面条,喝咖啡也不加奶精,享受黑咖啡的苦涩原味。

◎黄色与玫瑰情人节(Yellow and Rose Day):5月14日如果已经到了5月,你的情事还是没有任何进展,在这一天穿着黄色衬衫或黄色套装,吃黄色咖哩饭,就是告诉大家“I am still available”的最好暗示。春日融融,将黄色穿在身上,也相当符合季节气氛。5月是玫瑰发芽的时节,气候宜人适合出游,因此许多情侣都选在这天相偕到户外踏青,所以5月14日也有“玫瑰情人节”之称。在玫瑰日送人红玫瑰是倾诉爱意;送白玫瑰花表示仍犹豫未决;若送上一束黄玫瑰,就是说再见了。

◎亲吻情人节(Kiss Day):6月14日这是一个属于成双成对恋人的重要节日,在这一天,情侣们不必再害羞,可以大大方方地用亲吻表达对对方的爱意。当然,花前月下、烛光晚餐等浪漫气氛,对一吻定情可是很有帮助的喔!

◎银色情人节(Silver Day):7月14日银色情人节,是把你的意中人带回家给老爸老妈认识,或介绍给其他你所尊敬的长辈的好机会。当然,这一天的全部开销,都由这些“可爱的长者”买单〈为“安全”起见,你最好先确定长辈对这个节日很熟悉〉。银色情人节也是爱侣互赠银制礼品、饰物的日子

◎绿色情人节(Green Day):8月14日名为绿色情人节,当然和蓊郁的森林脱不了关系。酷热难耐的夏日午后,不妨和你的另一半作一趟凉爽而清新的森林之旅,尽情享受户外大自然,度过健康而愉悦的一天。还在寻觅爱侣的人,可以参加Soju〈韩国绿牌薯酒〉派对,度过喧闹的室内绿色情人节

◎音乐情人节与相片情人节(Music Day & Photo Day):9月14日音乐情人节这一天是举办大型社交活动、轻歌漫舞的日子,也是将你的心上人介绍给朋友、同事认识的好机会。而单身一族,更可以藉此机会看看活动现场有没有自己中意的对象。许多情侣喜欢在这天就着蔚蓝晴朗的天空合影,所以9月14日又称为“相片情人节” 。

◎葡萄酒情人节(Wine Day):10月14日这一天恋人们轻啜葡萄美酒,庆祝充满诗意的秋天。通常小俩口会选择在浪漫且别致的餐厅里共进晚餐,然后聊聊彼此对未来的规画,以及共同的目标等话题。

◎橙色情人节与电影情人节(Orange Day Movie day):11月14日电影情人节这一天情侣们可以连赶两场电影,或许先看一部紧张刺激的动作发泄压力,然后再来一部感人肺腑的浪漫爱情片互拭泪水。看完两人也该补充水分了,来杯健康的百分百柳橙汁吧!单身的人这一天也要喝杯柳橙汁,当然,想喝两杯才痛快也没人管得着。

◎拥抱情人节(Hug Day):12月14日,想和你的情人抱多久都可以,在公开的场合拥抱,向世人宣告你俩的爱意,也让寒冷的冬天变得格外温馨。尤其是那些甜甜蜜蜜庆祝过2月14日华仑亭情人节的情侣,到了年底依然能热情相拥,也见证了两人情意如昔。

at 1:05 AM

Saturday, February 14, 2009

it is valentine's day!
sweet to you'll, sad for me =(
i wished to have a rose, chocolate and love letter
but ended up, i just get 3 so-called-little rose and one ferrero rocher which i have stolen joee's friend gave her one
sigh, i know i was too something
but when you scroll down, you'll see my so called love letter
so pity of myself

today we were having sukan tara, so today no need to study whole day, it was new activity for all of us which everyone have to do lontar peluru, lompat jauh, lompat tinggi and lumba lari 100m to help their house to gain marks, 1 pass, 1 mark
was planned to go to school at 12pm to meet them, but my mum's car got something wrong, couldnt reached in time, as usual, i knew that cant trust her, she is very suck in arranging her time, and always cause me late to school, or activities
reached school at 12.45am without having any food, i was hungry
and some morning class's students had already gone back from school
i was so scared that jlan already left, but luckily, i saw her motorcycle and bag, so i secretly (hmm, i dont know whether got people saw or not larh) put the valentine's gift into her bag
it was my first time i wrote a 'love letter' eh, so must appreciate yeahh
met joee, rozanne and genglin, then went to take attendance, nevermind already, i have already heart broken, they dint give me anything
but i was happy when with them
kap siao there, i was so high, dint know why, then the ceramah started
we dint even hear for that, we kept talking and zhiting kept calling us to lower our voice a little bit
i started to draw thing on xue ni's hand, so fun! and jay swan too, but i know im not good in drawing or writing larh, my sense of creativity very low wan kay
then they drew for me too, so pretty, i mean jay swan's one, and xue ni, your turtle also not bad hurh

jay swan's one
and xue ni's one, with six hearts aisheh!!!
then recess time, lot of ppl there, faster ate finished then went up the joee's their class
nothing so special, then after that rushed back to class when rozanne reminded me of sunblock
put sunblock on where it might be contact with sunlight, so almost everywhere
my friends came back to class one by one, saw me did that, all started to put too
sukan tara wasnt so special, just did that for my red house
i got 3marks over 4activities, i dont get it why i couldnt jump over lompat jauh
when i jumped and reached the sand, realized that still got so far to that line
goshh, when do i started to be so shit on that?!
nevermind, not bad already larh this result
i was so sleepy and tired after those things, felt like wanna sleeping on my bed
oh yeah, i wanna scold that i-dont-know-who ahh, made my water bottle until so dirty, was like fell down onto mud, and made my shirt dirty, some more had a deep 'V' in front my chest
before went back to class, wen chien gave me flowers, oh well, i was called those as flowers
my 'roses'
during my friends and i walking out of my school, i told them that i wished that i can have a love letter from a girl
hahahah..so swt, i know
they laughed, and said that i was crazy, totally out of my mind
so, when i got home, bathed then went to my grandma's house
did what? well, mahjong again
there, my cousin, which is form2, told me that one girl from her form is interested on me ffrom last year?!
OMFG, so chun!!
then asked asked asked, she was in the same class with her last year, maybe last year i quite always went to her class and she spotted me?
my cousin said that she always ask things about me, and she knows my name, my rumah, and saw me today
ohwell ohwell ohwell
i know her name,but dont know her, but her name sounds familiar
anyway, trust me, im going to find out who is she, heh*
i won 20bucks today
reached home at 12.30am, so tired, valentine's day had already passed

at 6:57 PM

Friday, February 13, 2009

happy valentine's day eve to everyone
i have mad on it for whole day
kept nudging my friends to give me roses and chocolates and love letters
idiot i knoow
just hope my valentine's day of this year at least got a letter, a rose and chocolate
i know it is hardly to make it
today woke up at 9.30am, sooo late
i think i was frightened from my nightmare i had last night
i dreamt that my condo, which is called mutiara villa had haunted
i mean the lift, i dont know why i will dreamt of that, it was sooo weird
that lift couldnt followed my button i had pressed, it just couldnt stopped, kept going up and down, i was freaking scared, and my mind was thought that there is a 'spirit' inside the lift
yewww, so scary
okay, stop thinking that already

at school ,as usual, chit chatted, but today was worse, kept nudging and reminding my friends to give me valentine's gift
whatever, this is my so called valentine's day
during english period, wong wai yi said that he was going to take 20 of us to go to PISA for fencing competition on next tuesday,which means i dont have to attend the school's period from 1.30pm to 4pm
he said that he told us yesterday, but yesterday i was sleeping during his period, thats why i dint know
but, i was going though
will take handphone, camera, food, whatever stuff that can squeeze in my bag
i asked him okayy, with his permission about the handphone thing, he said that he was okay with that if i insisted, just dont too show off like taking your handphone up in front the prefects
im not an idiot, so i wont XD
time flies faster on friday than other days, we all admit that
so time to say bye bye

at 8:29 PM

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

today mood was not good, maybe i shouldnt said that i was so happy yesterday or maybe it is because ytd i slept at 3am and woke up at 9am
no idea, all my friends today also seemed like moodless
talked less, just kept doing our homeworks
today bc's period, teacher talked about malaysia's politics for 2periods and asked for our opinions, was not interested in that, so boring, but after he talked, just found a little funny and interest in that
but not very interested
during recess, i asked my friends to accompany me for coming early on valentine's day
but they dint want
fine d

at 10:10 PM

dont know why, today my mood very good
maybe is my dad went back or something happened or valentines day is coming soon?
just whole day kept laughing, laugh for no reason, my friends did a small thing i also laughed like hell, yeah, im a siao chabo
especially physics period, jay swan and i played ourselves while doing pendulum bob's experiment, she hypnosised me with the pendulum bob then after i did the same to her
just laughed and laughed inside the lab
then after physics, went back to classroom, addmath period, then wen chien and i were played, drew pen on each other's hands, and i kena the most, cause i was so stupid to say cincai lah, let you draw..hahaha
but later, she dare not to bully me d, cause hehehe, i used someone to threaten her
i cant say who it is, if not i sure kena wan..hahah

just hope that everday my mood is good as today =)

at 2:02 AM

Monday, February 9, 2009

taa daa!
happy birthday to my husband!!
love you!!!
be happy always!!!!
although i was down whole day, but i cant spoil your day right?
so i have skipped all those things
cheer up, me!
yesterday, was celebrated her little earlier birthday in g hotel
at morning, family and i went for the thaipusam festival, was walking for 2hours, non stop,especially my legs were so pain due to the training of karate last last day
but, im alright
during our walk, i wanted to collect my cupcakes at 2pm, but wtf, i have forgotten that i told her i need it at 9th but not 8th, so i only will have it at 7pm, but it is okay, once it have reached
reached gurney at 1.30pm
joee and i watched 'bride wars' instead of joined all the rest for red box, i mean, too many ppl for a room d
it was nice, i almost cried for that but joee said she dint even touched
i was so damn touched, about two best friends fight for a wedding venue
sounds stupid i know, but there was really so grand and pretty
i hope my wedding will held there one day too
with my husband
nahhhhhh!! =D
after movie, went to chilis for lunch + dinner cause it was really too large for me
hard to put them into my mouth
so i think i just finished half, arghh, what a waste
i took away corn for my baby
then went g hotel to meet them, really lot of ppl
i really felt so shameful and sorry, cause many of them know my name and remember me, but, i cant even remember them
sigh, so sorry, i know my brain have becoming more and more useless
and that joee arh,was like attending a reunion party, i kept hearing ' OH, i know you! you are that one blah blah blah right? '
but people was hard to remember her
then there, i gave jlan her birthday present, cute right?
and it was a blanket, trust me
when you hug the panda, he/she ( i dont know lah) will look at you
awww, so cute, so think of me whenever you hugg hmm
at 6.30pm, joo sing (the cupcakes) sms me that she have reached, went down, woo, really nice, was worth for that RM500-600!

( jlan, it really dint cost that much, impossible wan kay? =D)
and joee continued her reunion again, and this time was joo sing
so crazy
i was so happy that jlan really love it
yeah yeah!!
chilled at there, and went down to swimming pool there to lay down and relax
joee says, use a recycling bag instead of fur bagi just love this shot
shewww! im not ready yet!
aisheh! long leg you have!
after a while, i was really tired so took a really short nap inside the room ,cause joee and lee mei were shouting for a nds game
before we went back, her parents came up and i was so sorry to see that ice cream cake has destroyed
when i back to my house, i just realised that i have put my corn inside the room, haha, whatever lah
slept at 10.30pm cause too tired already and i couldnt be the first one to wish her
but 1am automatically woke up to wish her


at 11:23 PM

Saturday, February 7, 2009

so long dint update already, i have become really lazy nowadays
lazy online, lazy sms but im not lazy to talk
i love to talk nowadays
so talk to me !
today was really busy and tiring
10am went to school for my very first karate training
i dare not to say it is fun , i scare i will regret for it one day
but i sure will attend whole year, =)
be tabah lah!
12am went for piano, cried at there
please, not because of i dint know to play or what
it was another reason
a very idiot reason
after piano, went for physics tuition
thanks to teacher, i really understand all, not confuse anymore of the things school's teacher has taught
after physics, finally my day has ended
back to home and took a rest
my legs were so so pain, i really dint exercise before
but now, not same anymore

at 9:05 PM

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

quite many days dint upload already

sunday :
went to dont-know-what carnival there, met lot of ppl there, quite fun

monday :
a tiring and busy day

today :
my relatives coming again, but today very few only, sooo bored, was planned to go to gurney to watch movie, wtf, my dad said saturday only go..stupid, they all dont know what im thinking..he called bro and i to accompany my cousins swimming..i dont want laa, yorr..

p/s : nowadays i have become more and more lazy, lazy to sms, so people, phone me please instead of sms

at 12:29 PM