I'm a girl who having sixteen but not yet sixteen
I'm a damn late capricorn girl, 1229
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the guest of the concert, energy
I'm freaking out-of-my-mind ecstatic to report that Britney's 'Circus' is No. 1 on the Billboard 200 charts, making this her fifth No. 1 album.
Hell to the yeah!
*Jumping up and down*
* Screaming at the top of my lungs*
Brit is unstoppable!!!
it is britney's latest album,i want it badly
my dad not allowed me to buy it,whereas my mum said if it is jay's,she sure will support me..-_-
sigh,so my last hope is my birthday's present.is anyone will buy it for me?anyone?
[1] i think will come true, my mum agreed, just need to wait until i go to hk..coming soon!
[2] this..baobao said will gimme..BUT..cant trust him..hngggg..(p/s if no spec,no heineken)
[3] my mum will buy this for me,if i beg her..
[4] waiting
[5] my mum said will buy for me..so, settled..
[6] i'll buy myself with my money and my mum's one
[7] waiting
[8] my mum'll buy
[9] its okay..i will try to get it..
[10] this one is the most hard one..i know im greedy..nvm..just a wishlist..
1.....2.....3.....taadaa..let's hope my dream will come true!