today i was dreamt about vina for three times in one night..
however,i dreamt about someone else in the 2nd dream..
he is my MR.M..
its okay,i bet he wont see this..i betafter i woke up,i was extremely cool down on my bed..
or as R said,this is so called
emo..then all the memories flashed back..
but the memory was only one day..31/8/ most happy day in my life..
others memories were 3 years ago..when we were standard6.. miss those days..
after my so called
emo ,i suddenly wanted to tell him that i have a huge crush on badly..but,i was scared too..
should i?
should i??
should i???
arghh..i know he is not interested in me. least i tried right?
BUT the thing is,if after i tell him,will he ignore me or dont want to friend me anymore?
so,at last,i dint do it.....
but MAYBE someday i will......
at 9:36 PM
i slept at 4.45am yesterday,or today morning? whatever..
i was playing my nds from 12am to 4.45am..
nice hurh?
woke up at 1pm then did the things as usual..
i hope
rozanne will continue her blog!
she promised me
her blog is nice,at least better than mine,right?
not lala.just...act cute?yuck!
at 6:41 PM
dont know why and dont know what happen..
today mood quite down..
so also dunno can talk about what today..
at 9:39 PM i dint count my footprint,but i think it is more and more than the total footprint of me in penang for 5days i think? legs damn pain..wondering who will massage for me?
i woke up at 7am then my dad's driver come to fetch us at 9.15am to the china's custom..
arghh..i hate china's ppl! they so rude and did they know what is the meaning of queue? idiot
but of course i dint beat up of them, i even fight with one of them..XD
at last? win of course! naahh..i just gave him a moral lesson..about queue..
dont care about them,after that,we took bus arhh LRT arhh then reached will be uploaded tomorrow nice the buildings

i bought two bracelets there! love them!!

had funnn then later went TSIM SHA TSUI..
just walking around..
saw sasa then walked in..
omggg..a box was placed there and do you know what is it inside?
perfume! lots of..with small packet but still nice of course..
guess what? each only 28hk dollar!! somemore all are DKNY,ANNA SUI,POLO and many many more..
i wanted to buy..but my mum said 'nah,you are not that age for having a perfume'
fineee..i will try it next time!
anyway,i bought a box of mask and a lip gloss..
not sold in malaysia!!
at 11:06 PM
do you know that how many pounds of rubbish are made in this world in one day?
i dont know..the thing i know that is the number of rubbish is increasing nowadays..
so what can we all do know?
yeah..we have to do something..
on the first day i reached china and went to a shopping mall,named VANGUARD..
then i saw that all the people were bringing their own shopping bag to there.. is sooo good..
plastic bag is a big NO for our this wonderful earth..the reason i think everyone knows,right?
yeah..we all know,but we din do anything..we still using plastic bags and keep on destroying our earth..
how can we destroy our home? this home sweet home.
so now china is encouraging people start using shopping bag..
but how about penang?
malaysia has no reaction due to this pollution problem.
i think we all should start going green from now..
can we? SURE WE CAN
you just have to buy a few shopping bags and always bring them to shopping mall..
when people offer you plastic bag,say NO!!
even is me,i have a shopping bag..XD
it is soo easy and i believe that all of us can do it,right?
at 10:59 PM
today is my third day stay in china already..
not excited at all..
cant let my dad know XDanyway, im going to hk next week..
looks excited then staying here..
aww..i miss my friendsssss..
i wish i can fly here fly there like superman...or superwoman? XD
and got a thing that make me so sad!
my phone cant receive the signal!!!!arghhhhhhhhhh
that means i cant receive any any sms from my friends in penang..
stupid digi
at 5:36 PM shuen is going to leave..
so sad laa..but she still going to away from me..
she is my best best friend,cant lose her..
she is so good laa,but what to do..
im going to lose a best friend i ever had..
but happy for her,she finally can keep her hair long back..
sigh,i also wish that i can too,and leave penang or malaysia,whatever..
but still,i will still miss someone,somewhere and something in penang..
hahah,it was like im going to leave..but sadly,NO
sigh,just let it go..
SINGAPORE!!! I MISS THERE!!! and li shuen! XD
oh yeah..
at 11:59 PM
6 more days to go!
well,to china.
sigh, i wish i can go by tomorrow,i dont want to wait anymore.
penang have so much stupid and sad things.
argh, at least china can let me happy a lil bit...
hope sothese few days my mood was so bad, many things happened and changed a lot of things.
but i cant do anything,just hope faster get off of those things..
wish me!
at 7:27 PM
i know you have suffer a lot.
i always ask to god why you need to suffer like that?
you should not have this type of disease.
you still so young but have to fight with the disease.
it is totally unfair!
i know you have been strong and tough.
but now you are not longer strong and tough.
you becomes more and more sad and depressed.
and always hide in the corner there alone.
do you know it makes us very sad and hurt me very deep?
everytime you cry,i cry too.
im really sorry for you.
before i was so stupid,i should'nt let ppl hurt your feeling.
but dont worry,i will protect you now, wont give up of you..
i wont let you get scare and scold anymore.
i will....i really will...............
at 4:34 PM
phew~today was so luckily for my exam..
but the art was so suck..
i think i will get 50..
not bad already right?XD
just now when i back to my house and saw a funny thing..
my dog was hiding under my sofa..
so funny laa his face..

at 2:34 PM
yeah..i know today already is 2th,but i think today will be boringggg..
so i rather talk about yesterday..=D
yesterday i was woke up at 8.30am..
p/s too early for me laacause
rozanne and her friend ,
lynne was coming to my house..
it was the first time i met lynne,i think she is nice and friendly..of course pretty too..XD
after that we went gurney and met with
joee,the childish one at seoul garden..joee,the childish one kept cooking and giving me all the food as she had had her lunch or breakfast..

then watched high school musical 3 again.. p/s i like the rocketboy,so cute..
after movie,we went secret recipe then went home..
umm..i think thats all..
but also got something happened between ladies' and mens' toilet XD..only someone know*
first time i think not bad right?
XD..okay okay..i know..
at 12:58 PM